Thursday, February 25, 2010

ThE 18th HouR

All week, everyday, whether I went to bed early or went to bed late, I have awaken at 517am? WTF is all that about? This morning was no different. So I laid in bed and pondered the Huracan. Tomorrow the fun starts you know. 9am roll out, first one to the end wins. I want us both to finish, and I don't really care who wins, I think strategy will win overall. You may ask yourself what is there to strategize about, PLENTY, believe me.

This is a 300 mile self supported epic. Plenty of things to consider. Add the element of cold weather and rain on Saturday and you have yourself EVEN BETTER EPIC formulatic conditions (I'm sure that is not a word).

This week has been hard. Emotionally. Problems with my Teen, bad news from someone I didn't really want to hear any news from, once again thinking about the Universal Puzzle that I have been bothered with for months, and a small virus attempted to infect my body as well.

My emotions have been staved, as logic seeps in and attempts to clean up the mess that emotions tend to make, my teen issues are still teening along, and my virus was defeated with Echinacea tea and Raw Honey.

So this morning I made a new plan. And I wont discuss it, my plan is set, and I am sticking to it. Although 300 miles is far, in the self supported racing game its a short race and what you have to think is how productive would an all night push really be in the end?

Regardless, a list has been made and I plan to prepare tonight so that tomorrow early I can rise and roll without concern or care.

Check in on this blog, the Huracan blog, the facebook fan site and my personal facebook page to keep up with the video updates, that's right I will be quad casting all my updates, so that everyone has a chance to "experience" the Huracan with me.

Check back frequently and often starting tomorrow morning at 9am.

take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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