Monday, January 17, 2011


Means Taking Kare of Business.

A week ago Saturday, I took Rob to show him that odd section of Croom I had stumbled upon while mapping a couple of weeks back.

After a couple of odd turns here and there we were on track.

It took a good 7 miles or so before we starting hitting the crazy stuff. Rob was pleasantly surprised and we spent the next 6 miles or so riding from pit to pit negotiating some steep drops and long tall rises.

It went on like that for a little while, and after what seemed like more than enough miles, we started speculating on how racers would feel encountering said conditions. Considering that they would at this point have 80 miles under their belt.

The Trail did not roll easy nor did it relent. It was constant challenge and you could really feel the climb up to Tucker Hill. 20 something miles later and a little unplanned detour and we were surprised that we didn't bring enough food for all the miles we had done. We cut back to the car via forest road, leaving me wondering what I was going to do with this croom section for the race.

By far it was tough terrain. By far it was dangerous at spots. By far it has some of the tallest peaks I have hiked up too in Croom. BUT, it was confusing and without a gpx file I thought it would be hard for a racer to negotiate the route. Especially since it required us to go past signs that said trail closed.

Regardless, that day, with smoked legs and hungry for food, I rolled away with thoughts heavy on my mind on what I would do with this section of the Huracan.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.