Thursday, December 24, 2009

WhaT R U DoInG!!!

So, its Christmas Eve and I am at work, at my desk doing the good work. BOY I tell you what in these challenging economic times its good to be employed, so no real complaints.

I had vacation time this year and each time I had a vacation it was spent taking care of one problem or another, not such a fun thing to happen when your supposed to be doing nothing. Regardless, I still found time in those off moments to enjoy.

So This evening and tomorrow I get to see my brothers and my nieces and my nephews. This year I plan on being a good Uncle and getting all my nieces and nephews gifts. Truth be told, I am probably the worst Uncle in the world, but I'm working on improving that.

In Fact, thru the advent of the not to be named social networking site, I have been able to improve as an UNCLE. I talk more to my nieces now then I ever had, since they message me all the time when they see me logged on.

So, Family time today and tomorrow. Then what? Well, I made a secret pact with myself to get on the bike everyday this weekend. SO, that means I will go pedal early tomorrow, maybe go to Santos with Rob on Saturday and then maybe some more dirty/solo miles on Sunday. Friday eve? No plans... Saturday Eve, No plans, Sunday Eve, no plans... So who knows, well see what happens. Maybe I will go out and do grown up type things and act like a young man who has no cares and no responsibilities.

Feels kind of good to look at all the possibilities.

Made a funny observation over the past couple of days. Lately, like for the past couple of weeks, I have had trouble sleeping. But the past few nights I have slept well. I think I know and understand why the sudden change, but I care not to elaborate on an explanation, just feels good to get some rest. I don't know if it was a psychological change or just the side effects from 94 dirty miles last Friday. Sometimes that does indeed happen to me, after a seriously hard effort, for days, I will require more rest than usual.

So happy Holidays to you and yours, get out there and enjoy, Life is a highway, and My plan is to keep pedaling along till I see an interesting sight or I reach the next town, whichever comes first!


The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

paintboy said...

Merry Christmas
Hope all is well and your enjoying your time off.
Anita got a Gary Fisher Tassajara from Santa today going to take her out to the tree on Sunday for her first trip to the woods . Can't Wait.. Should be fun.Enjoy your days and well talk soon..