That's been my philosophy for years. As long as my son Kailan has been alive I have been riding bikes. 9 years now I have been a cycling fanatic, but my beginnings were humble. I got fat, very fat, and a friend invited me to go riding, I had a very junky huffy and I took it out and loved riding. Eventually I went to the pawn shop and bought a Motobecane. Rode that for a hot minute, felt like I was flying cause of the difference over a huffy, but my friend that worked at Bikeworks felt bad for me. He grabbed me by the shoulder one day and asked me to come back to the mechanic area of the shop. He said to me, "Frieds dont let Friends ride junk" and unveiled a specialized hardrock that he had built from scratch just for me out of spare parts from the shop. Yes it was all used parts, and yes it was a fully rigid 21 inch frame, but doggone it, I was stoked and I rode it till I bought an even better bike several months later.
Fast forward 9 years and it was time for me to pay it forward. I had a Jamis Eureka frame in my house, first bike I raced single speed, first bike that I ever built single speed, first bike I ever built from scratch piece by piece, first bike I ever podiumed on. And this frame has been laying around unused for 3 years. On the Swamp Club forum a young man named Johnny showed off his wal mart special and I figured, I need to donate my frame. Sandpine suggested I start a thread, and next thing you know it was the bicycle version of kill the man with the ball as we all dog piled to get parts together to build him a bike.
The 29th of November, I wanted to Tour Boyette, since I have never ridden there. I asked for guides and had about 10 volunteers. So in the spirit of Epic on daycations we coordinated to build the bike for him that day, and have him ride it with us.
It did take me waking at 4 am and driving a good distance, and it did take a group of people to make it happen, but when it was all said and done, I had finally paid off my karmic debt and returned the favor that was once bestowed to me so early in the sport.
Then we rode, and boy was it Fun. Boyette is worth the trip and there are miles and miles of FUN twisty up and down trails. Lots of flow and lots of great opportunities to put the hammer down with minimal effort. I simply loved the ride and loved the people I rode with.
Like Mucaro and I always do, eventually we started wearing the group out and one by one, people started heading back. Eventually Sandpine and I picked up on my third plan of the day, my first experience in trail working.
I want to build up the Naked Indian ride and add trails and build a little system for myself and my family and the entire county. But, in order to build, one must learn. And I believe in the process of apprenticeship and Sandpine offered me a great opportunity. So we had a great lunch and great conversation and then made our way over to the work area. I had my Ergon pack, and as always its interesting to note what I had inside:
1 pair of shorts
1 pair of shoes
2 tubes
repair kit
2 cans of organic chicken
1 cup of almonds
1 zone bar
1 swiss knife.
We worked for 1.5 hours and then set out to hike the rest of the trail. When they are done with this system it will be tight. We then got back to the bikes suited up and rode 6 miles back out. When it was all said and done I had done 22 miles.
Then we went to the next phase of my adventure. Benji offered to have us come over and I needed to clean up, so Sandpine and I headed over there to sample his delicious homemade brew. After downing a couple and acquiring a good Buzz Sandpine headed home and Benji and I headed to the Chinese buffet. I ate all I could as well as some good sushi and then headed home.
Picked up the wife from work, watched Tropical Thunder, and then Laid her down for a righteous end to a righteous day.
Thanks so much to all who helped with the build, thanks so much to Sandpine and Benji for their hospitality, to Mucaro for letting me keep up with him and to everyone for tolerating my craziness, I know I am a bit much, but I mean well.
Enjoy the pics and the captions,
Q factor and Krunnnccchhh busy on the build. Everyone was so great, I made sure to hook them both up with some swag I got from the Beer Bomb Bike tour, I had to do something to reward them for their volunteer work.
Built to Shred!!!
great pics...can't wait for the write up... my lame write up of the same even HERE.
wow... i enjoye this write up the best of all the stuff I've read from your blog. Is not because I was part of the whole thing but just your way of seeing things... I mean it.. nice job!
p.s... we all love Gruff... learned so much from the man.
Dude, this write up nearly brought me to tears. BTW, the man, the myth the legend, looks like... Sandpine?
Oh yeah, will I be receiving an invoice for your nutritional and training advice?
"You the man Los!"
brotha plz.... you making me lough luis..the legend and myth of him being naked is none of other then the other dude with glasses.. not that fat mexican who was lucky to be riding along on the adventure.. I just got on the way as he was taking the pic.. I am heading streight for the bench to rest after trying to keep up...
Great Post baby!! I love reading and hearing about your adventures. Long live the Naked Indian!!
My hats off to you cats for doing something so generous for the newbie. I wonder if he has any idea how tight the cycling crews can be, or how they can change his life forever? I dig your example, so maybe it's time to look for a donor here in our neck of the woods.
Gentleman and beautiful princess, thanks for all the kind comments and words.
It took a village to make it happen though and I find that was the most beautiful part of the entire experience.
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