Thursday, November 26, 2009

The PrOGreSSIOn: PaRt 3

Fast forward to Modern day.....

I have to say apologize upfront for my lack of frequent posting. I have been SO distracted lately. Busy at work, Drama at the house, Emotional Rollercoasters, miles and miles of missions... Its been tough... BUT here it is.

These days my peers are the one's who motivate me and inspire me.

Luis Calderon.

First to take me to Pisgah and help educate me on the finer aspects of riding some serious mountainous terrain. As well, one of the few people adventurous enough to attempt some of my crazy ideas and concepts for rides, and the first to join me on a Group bikepacking trip in the state. Luis Is a good man. On top of that, he motivated me to become an even faster rider. Often when Luis and I would go riding with a group, eventually we would consume them all one by one, LOL. I miss riding with him and cant wait till he gets back on the bike.

Brett Wycoff.

Not even sure how him and I met, but Brett truly supports Singletrack Samurai Productions. In fact he is probably the only rider in the state that has made every bikepacking trip I have done and every crazy concept ride I have done with the Exception of the BIG O. I often wonder if Brett has emotions and feelings or if he is even Human and I must admit, only 1 time did I see him tired and it was on the Renegade Run 09, but before I knew it he recovered and came back stronger than ever. On top of all that, Brett is a man of deep honor and respect. I know for a fact that at the CFiTT he was offered a fully charged light at the 12 mile bailout, with only 6 miles to go in the race, he could have easily grabbed the light and finished and no one but him and the light offerer would have known. That folks is integrity. As well, the Idea for taking a swim at Silver Glenn was his, kids thank Brett!

Rob Roberts.

Out of nowhere, maybe searching for something different to do, showed up for the NK ride. That ride opened up his eyes to a new type of adventure and riding in Florida. And before you know it, he stepped up and helps me immensely in completing these monstrous routes or actually finding great portions of the route. The Entire Santos to Croom Section of the CFiTT was Rob's Baby. People spoke and spoke of Hey "dirty route to Croom", Rob made it happen. To this day he continues to help and develop the routes and has made a huge impact as well on the Eye of the Huracan route. On top of that Him and His wife are some of the best friends a person could ask for and in 2009, he has been there helping to keep me from falling off the edge.

Well Folks that wraps up the progression series. I am truly appreciative of these individuals and how they have helped to create a Butterfly Effect in my current riding and progression. The good news is, I am far from done, and as my riding continues to improve, and as I continue to grow as a cyclist and a person, the list will continue to get longer. It actually was very therapeutic doing this, kind of put things in perspective.


The NaKeD InDiaN

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