Wednesday, January 06, 2010


I got a ticket. So the Drama regarding that is over.

thanks so much for the ticket.

As for the Blog. Man...

It's been So rough lately. I feel like I am really letting down my 20 or so faithful readers with the lack of interesting topics and the doom and gloomy post.

Its tough when what you do is write about yourself and your life to not let all the elements of whats going on leak into your writing.

I like to write, enjoy it, thus the reason I started a blog. I never really knew how far it would go or what would happen or if anyone would read, but I did it anyways.

And now, LOL, dare I say I feel like a completely different person than I did a year ago. I am on the edge of a dark dark forest that I must navigate with no real light and no real direction. How far will I have to walk, how long will I have to walk, will I have enough food, will I have enough water, will I ever make it out.

Truth be told, I used to feel like a very passionate person, but at this time, I am having a hard time just finding the passion to do anything extracurricular. I still get up everyday, and care for my children and go to work and do what I have to do, but aside from that I am having difficulty doing much else.

I am hoping to change all that. LOL, my mood is so melancholy all I can think about are poems to write, LOL... Will this Blog turn into bad poetry corner, I hope not. I have even considered just deleting it so that my 20 faithful readers will not have to suffer with me any longer. LOL...

I decided yesterday, after the past two days of Single Parent Related drama to give up my Bid to race the Pisgah 36. I just don't think I will have the money to get up there and do it, and the ample time to prepare for that event and the Huracan. Since the Huracan is local I plan to focus on that, I really wanna see if I can win a 300 mile event.. Well see, I am trying hard to find the motivation, at this time it is difficult.

It is truly a dark place I have been in, and I am doing my best to find my way out.

Can you say Bleak?

Take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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