Tuesday, October 20, 2009

9 FInGeRsss

Is all I have been able to use for the past month...

Y'all remember the Catch 22, and the mechanical problems I had on the ride, and the discovery of my rusted tools. WELL, that Monday after the ride while I was cleaning and Lubing the tools, I cut myself SUPER bad on my Leatherman Blade on my right pointer finger. SO bad in fact that I Panicked and just bandaged it up as quick as I could cause it was bleeding everywhere.

The next morning I removed the bandage cleaned it and decided to super glue it shut ( I did tell you it was a bad cut). WELL, 4 days later, my finger was super swollen. Went to the DOC, and he gave me the typical anti biotics and such. My finger, oozed green stuff for a couple of days then closed up, but it was still super swollen.

Went back to the doc (this was the day before the CFiTT) and he told me I had to go see a hand surgeon. AT this point, I had no choice but to race the CFiTT cripple fingered. So I did, it was a little added torture as I would hit every lil bump on the fully rigid bike, my finger would bounce of the handlebars, O joy! I was pretty pissed but, it was what it was...

I go see the Hand Surgeon on Monday, he wanted $260 just to talk about the finger. Im like DOC it needs to be drained WTF is there to talk about. I go to Urgent Care in Heathrow and $175 bucks later, they took care of it, drained it and saw me about 3 more times. Currently its still healing, but wow what an Ordeal. Its Finally on the right track again and I figure in another month I should have a normal finger again.

BUT, for the past month, all I have been able to use are 9 fingers....


The NaKeD InDiaN


Sean Crichton said...

So technically, you now hold the Fixie & the Physically-Challenged record for the CFITT. lol ..... Seriously, be sure to take of that finger, my man -- I had a slight infection in my knee once when I was 16 - didn't think much of it - just did what 16yr olds do -- kept riding, skating, and surfing -- woke up one morning with puss bubbles all over my leg - got 'blood-poisoning' and had to go to the ER. They said 48 hrs later and I would've been dead if it got to my heart or brain.

Karlos said...

LMAO, as dramatic as I am, I totally left out my cripple finger ordeal.

LOL... for a second there I did get worried I would lose the finger, but Its on the right track finally, but ya, a series of dumb moves is what led to my current situation.

LOL, Being healthy, does not apply to wound Care I tell you what! If you get cut, CLEAN IT RIGHT AWay and put some ointment on it kiddies... LOL my Pompous ass thought since I was "healthy" that my body could fight it off, ya, Im a retard...


bikechain said...

Yes most times the body will fix itself. Seems like I remember super glue being a problem (although I've used many times). I saw some reality show where Travis Barker got into some bad situation from the super glue. Sounds like it's on the right track.