Tuesday, June 15, 2010


July 10th at 8am we will roll from the Wal Mart Parking Lot on Howland boulevard on a real dirty road ride.

Picture hills, lots of them, twisty roads, Ups and downs, bike paths, A Forest Traverse and miles of pavement and you will have a good Idea of what the Roubaix will entail.

Quite interesting that the first dirt roads I ever explored where on my road bike. I would do the loop through Stone Island once, then come back and really hammer it. I enjoyed the feeling of the thin tires drifting sideways in the corners and learning that hammering would help me float over all the dirt just as easy as if it was asphalt.

I thought I was the only one, but learned through the years that when the Tour De France first came out, not only where all the mountain roads dirt, but they raced them on Fixed Gears, and all this time I thought I was hardcore.

So come out, enjoy, take a look at the route. Remember I am a certified route architech so you know this is gonna be one hell of an experience, and dont worry, pump up your tires, you will be fine, your road bike can handle it.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

tomcproctor said...

Will this event be run in 2011?