Wednesday, April 01, 2009

KoaCh KarLoS KorNeR

The funny part about an idea that you come up with after the fact, is that you eventually you hit snags.

I had this idea for this little letter answering things but I probably started it a couple of months too late after I had responded to many letters and then deleted them. I have no letters this week to share. Its ok, I figure I will talk about something regardless.

Todays subject:

The process of acclimation involves forcing the body to adapt to the current weather conditions. Many have witnessed my techniques for cold weather adaptions, but today I will speak on something even more serious, HOT weather adaptions.

Yes, the EXTREME DEATH GRIP of Summer is almost upon us and the blistering hot days will soon be the topic of many complaints, the subject of many defeating bonks and so on and so on.

What does the Koach do to adapt to the heat.

Tip number one:
As sick as it sounds. Force yourself to ride in the hottest part of the day a couple of times a week. If you can tolerate keeping your Jersey zipped up and wearing a cap under your helmet you will only speed up the process. Now keep in mind you don't want to ride zipped up with a cap on for a long time, I don't recommend longer than 20 min at a time. But what you will do is acclimate your body at one level, teach it to adapt and then switch it up and you will feel like Mr. Cool Breeze.

Tip number two:
On the days you are not riding, go work outside, go sit outside, go do something outside. The more time you spend out in the heat, the quicker your body will be come accustomed to the heat.

Tip number three:
Has little to do with Acclimation and more to do with coping mechanisms.
Ride Gloveless if you can. If you know your going to be doing sections that dont require a death grip, a gloveless ride will sometimes feel like you opened up all the windows and turned on the air conditioner.

Tip number four:
Get some good dark Sunglasses. The less you have to squint because of the extreme brightness the less fatigue you will experience in the extreme heat.

Tip number five:
When its really hot, have water on your back, and water on your bike. Usually I use the water on the bike to dump through the vents in my helmet to cool me off in extreme efforts.

Again, first teach your body to acclimate, then use the coping mechanisms and when its HOT out, you will be cruising in the front at the usual pace, while your friends are in the back wondering why they feel like they are about to die.

Most of all, remember, hydrate, hydrate and then hydrate some more. Stay on top of it, and ahead of it, especially in extreme heat. If you feel thirsty as we all know, by that point its probably too late.



1 comment:

paintboy said...

The high temp thing works for me also . Now that's starting to heat up the Hanger that I work in gets to be about 105 in the summer . But when its time to paint We close all the hanger doors wet the floors down just for a little extra steam and then suit up and go to work 4hrs later you rip off the suit and low and behold that 105 hanger feels like air conditioning..I love the heat but that's just me.