Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Pisgah Mountain Bike adventure Race is a unique format presented by Pisgah Productions Owner and operator Eric Wever, in the Illustrious and beautiful Pisgah Mountain Forest system. Miles and Miles of everything that defines Mountain Biking has riders pitted against each other and the clock, to collect as many checkpoints as possible as fast as possible.

Last year, I was gonna team up with Mucaro MTB dot Blogspot dot com, but got bad Health related News and had to pull Ze' plug. This year, it was gonna be a chance at the Taino Tyrant Total domination, but Mucaro MTB dot blogspot dot com had to pull the plugg cause of health related issue. I got an alternate rider, The infamous Local Florida Legend and 2008 12 hours of Santos Single Speed Champion (and good friend) Brett WyCoff. So, were heading up there with several goals in mind.

#1 Goal: To have fun. Let's be realistic folks, I have a tight budget and I do Self imposed long distance sufferfest all the time, why would I pay unless its gonna be a FUN. Plus its Pisgah Forest, I love this place, ever since Mucaro MTB took me there, I can wait to get back. So FuN is Goal NUMBER ONE!

#2 Goal: To be the TOP FLORIDA FLATLAND TEAM. Everyone one in North Kakalaka Knows that nothing but hard charging studs come out of the Land of Flats. And My goal is to be the King of the FLat Landers. As far as I know, there is one other team heading up to PMBAR and It is Rob "the Hammer" Roberts and Mike "Blond Afro" Kanning. BOTH, are PROVEN champions, BOTH can ride harder than the Devil Can tempt the Masses, BOTH are lean and mean. On my team, we have one champion and one guy who is a legend in his own mind(uhhh thats me) BUT has the advantage of ONE Double Dare under his Belt and Trail KNOWLEDGE, something Afro and GI Joe do not have.

#3 Goal: Embarass as many Locals as possible. How do I embarass them, by defeating them in battle of course. Any locals that lose to a couple of Guys from THE MOUNTAINLESS LAND, should just hand me their bicycle pink slips, give up MTBIng and go back to underwater basketweaving. It would be the equivalent of a MOUNTAIN MAN beating me in a Surf contest, its just not gonna happen.

#4 Goal: To make the PODIUM. Yes its impossible to think. A Smart man Told me once, that even if we were the fastest team, it would not make a bit of differance because trail knowledge is king. Well, I would love to make the Podium and show them that Intelligence, ingenuity and technology can also be king as well. O its on, yes its on.

I read something very intelligent the other day on the Tomi Blog (maker of the tommicog) and he says, he no longer trains, he prepares. I guess I do the same, cause I hardly get to ride, kinda sucks, but I stay in shape, so I AM IN FULL PREPARATION MODE. AND anyone who has ridden with me recently can attest, that I Am strong O so strong. Yes you can climb and yes you can flick single track, and yes you can ride for miles and miles. But on my regular weekend rides, I do the same thing, ON A 40 LB bike. Put that in your proverbial pipe, inhale deep and dont sleep, cause like Nas said, sleep is the cousin of death.

I have thrown down the GAUNTLET.

It has been BroUGHTEN....




Darrin Wilson said...

Good luck and "Represent" all us Flat Landers well, my friend.

Unknown said...

good luck and have fun LOS... Wish I could go this year.. make sure you post a good story!